WordPress Website

The Best Ways To Build A WordPress Website in 2022

Most of us are well aware of the fact that there are millions of CMS available for the ease of developers, so they don’t have to write the code from scratch.

WordPress is a well known CMS available and used by businesses to create their website which is enriched with quality, colors, and engaging content. Gone are the days, when people were into custom development and laid down the basics of website design and development.

Still, companies prefer custom development but when there are client’s on the urge, and want the work on time the team has to work smartly and optimize the time well.

In such a case, developers look for a short way by which they can easily build a website and cover up all the necessary points in a go! So, if you are digging around to create a website that is amazing in layouts, and seamless in interaction then, proceed with reading this blog.

Don’t worry you’re not alone in this boat. We as a company, also look for ways through which we can minimize the overall activity and create a WordPress website that is unique, attractive, and engaging.

WordPress has undoubtedly taken the lead and helped more than 400,000+ consumers to create their business website, and give their customers an ever-lasting experience.

This blog is for all those, who’re looking forward to ways to create a WordPress website, without even learning the basics to start writing code.

You can always learn by reading, and experiencing the coding work by yourself/. This guide is for all those, who’re looking for ways to create a WordPress website in 2022.

What things do you need to create a WordPress website?

There are different CMS, but WordPress takes the lead in terms of creativity, seamless behavior, and amazing user experience. However, still you would require the following things to start over the Wordpress website making process.

1. A domain name - a dedicated domain name that would be used to land your website over the Internet.

2.Wordpress hosting - without a hosting you can never land your website at all

3. A strategic approach to create the website with complete pages, and content.

How much does making a WordPress website cost in 2022?

Creating a website would cost millions, that’s what most of us think, however, the reality is entirely different.In this blog, you will get a step by step guide to know how to build a website from scratch.

However, if we talk about the pricing then it depends on the hosting, domain, and resources that are working on that. If the number of resources working on the website development process increases, the pricing will increase automatically. Since, it’s advised to always keep the resources minimal the pricing will be controlled in a proper way.

If you wish to create a typical website then it would cost around $100 however, the cost of the business website would range around anywhere between $100 a year which might go as high as $30,000 per year.

As I said earlier, the more things you add in the website design and development, the more changes would be seen! We would recommend you to start from a low rate website, to first learn how the process is completed.

Once you have the experience and know the process of designing and developing a website you would definitely create it with an exact sum design and development pricing.

Creating a Wordpress website in a easy go - Updated 2022

Let’s get started with the discussion;

1.Hire Resources Who’re Experinced Enough

One of the most important things you should do first to start off with the website design and development includes hiring the right set of people who’re experienced enough for developing and deploying your website smoothly.

Most of us make mistakes while hiring the people, and when the end result doesn’t meet the expectations criteria we regret our decision of choosing the people.

A developer with a minimum experience of 3 years could come up in the list of best developers, and you can rely on them for developing a sleek website covering all the important functionalities.

And most important, most of the costing is spent on this phase. The developer with a minimum of 3+ years of experience would charge high as the market is really going through inflation and they’re all looking for higher jumps in terms of perks, salary, and benefits.

2. Website CMS Selection

The second phase, once you are done with the resource hiring is to choose the right platform, that is, your CMS. WordPress is a well known CMS used by millions of people to deploy and develop their website with minimal coding skills required.

Website is free for everyone, who plans to build a website and they can proceed by signing up on the platform and waiting for them to respond to your requirements.

You must be thinking, if the platform registration is available for free of cost then where does the costing is going? It’s in the domain name and hosting which is in dollars!

You can sign up over the platform to start off with your website design and development using their own coded plugins, but for the domain and hosting you have to pay a huge amount.

Also don’t forget to trademark your logo, because most of the businesses face trademark issues due to which they have to shut down their website and start with a new beginning.

3. A Dedicated Domain and Hosting

You first search for a domain name, and check if that name is available on the site. You can brainstorm different names, and if you check its availability mostly it’s not available. You have to purchase the domain name for your website, and then start with the hosting process.

There are different sites to check the domain name of your website, like Bluhost, Godaddy, Cloudways, and a lot more. Same goes for the hosting as well. The domain name selection process can be time taking but once you get your desired domain name, don’t think too much to get it registered under your credentials.

Once done with the domain name, you can start with the hosting of the website. Without a hosting and ssl certificate you can make your website go live. Mostly sales people, sell both of these things to the clients, separately.

Hosting and domain are two of the most important elements for the website, and one should take care of it before making the website go live.

4. Choose an attractive theme

The fourth step in the website developing and design process is to select a theme which you will be using overall on your website.

As we said earlier, Worpdress come with built in plugins, and there are lots of theme available for the users so they can choose the one that best fits with their business niche.

You can choose any theme from the list of themes, and decide which one will be ideal for you. At the initial stage you can go with the free themes, because it’s your first time. But once you become a pro, and know the overall working of Wordpress website development you can get a paid one.

Themeforest is the biggest place where you can find attractive themes for your website to be built, and developed under supervision. Try to involve the frontend developer with you in the theme selection process, because they would guide you better whether the theme you’re selecting on the basis of just attractive is durable in terms of seamless navigation or not.

Getting changes done after the complete designing and development disturbs the classification of the pages, and developers never follow this practice.

5. Installation of the Plugins

Once you are done with the selection of the theme in the previous step, the next step is to install the plugins that would help you in completing the process of designing.

If you get into the insights, you would get to know that there are SEO plugins available as well that would help you rank your website on the search engine. However, all the plugins are not available for free!

Most of them are available for a definite package of pricing, while mostly people go with free plugins. However, again it’s important to install them all because if you miss out any of the plugins you would regret it later, and then the developer might not be available to do the entire installation process.

The best practice followed by people who've experienced enough is to install all the plugins beforehand, once you are planning to make your website go live. Because definitely your website would have content in it, to make it engaging and crisp to read.

And to make the website rank on the search engine, you would require some plugins apart from seo like for security, and better integration between the pages.

Depending on the services you’re offering, you can install multiple plugins for the website. Research your competitors and then decide which pages and plugins are necessary to be installed at the moment.

6. Web Server Security For The Website

A web server security is one of the most important things which you should focus on after getting the designing and development of the website done. A web server security plugin ensures that your website can not be hacked, or indulged with any other things whenever an intruder tries to get into the website.

The database of the website is very sensitive, and if your website doesn’t have all the important security plugins installed within it you can not save it from hackers and intruders.

Hackers, and intruders are always there waiting for websites to be disturbed, that are working well from them.

So, one of the most important things you should focus on is known as web server security, and as a business owner, you should always give highest priority to the website server security.

7. Setting the Sitemap of the Website

Lastly, you should try to set up the sitemap of the website. If you know, a website’s sitemap is like a blueprint of your website, that makes the Google search engine understand your pages and crawl through it once it’s live.

Generally on WordPress, you will see SEO experts using Yoast, or RankMath plugin to setup the sitemap of the website. You can use Google Analytics to see the sitemaps of your website.

In order to create a sitemap, you have to visit the website first. And insert the website URL in the search box, once you’re done with the website live process.

Remember you can do the sitemap thing, only when your website is made live. Anyways, hit the start button once you insert the website link on the search engine.

Submit your website to the console, and wait for the crawler to give you a list of sitemaps that are made active on the website. If the sitemaps are not done correctly, you can turn them off from the website settings.

8. Creative Content For The Website

You can write content for the website, and install the Yoast plugin to check the readability of it. Writers can write the blog and even the website content for the pages, and check the readability of it through various tools that are available for free and paid.

Ensure the content is done correctly, and you’re good enough with the content. Because if there are issues in the content, the users who are visiting your website won’t come further.


Here are some of the questions you should know before you start with the website design and development process.

1. Can I build my own wordpress website?

Yes, you can build your Wordpress website by watching different tutorials, and reading blogs available in tons over the Internet. You can make websites simply by practicing and reading blogs to know the basics, and learn how the process is done seamlessly.

2. How much does it cost to build a wordpress website?

We can never make the exact idea about the building cost of the website but, if we give a rough idea then it would go around $1500 minimum to create a website. However, the more experience resources you get over the website, the more increase you would see in the costing.

3. Can I create a website without a domain name?

No, without a domain name and hosting you can never get a website live on the search engine. With a domain name and hosting you would gain visibility on the Internet, and if you don’t purchase a website domain name, there is no use of your website.

4. Is there any other platform to build a website apart from WordPress?

Yes, there are a lot of platforms available on the search engine apart from WordPress like, Wix, Shopify, and a lot more. There are different developers available and they have their expertise in that specific domain.

Wrapping Up | Best ways to build a WordPress website in 2022

And that’s all for the day! We are done for the day discussing the detailed process of designing and developing a website over Wordpress or any other platform. WordPress is widely known by businesses because of its features, specifications, functionalities, security, theme and other important layouts. You can always choose the platform which is best for your business niche.

Always take inspiration from your competitors, and learn how they have made up thier way from the initial stage to the final destination. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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